Welcome back to where it all began! The CMR Ekya Alumni network celebrates your journey and keeps you connected to a vibrant community of changemakers. Join the Alumni Community Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Personal Email ID *Contact NumberLinkedIn ProfileWhich CMR/Ekya campus did you graduate from?Choose your campusEkya JP NagarEkya ITPLEkya ByrathiEkya BTMEkya NiceCMR NPSCMR NPUC HRBRCMR NPUC BTMCMR NPUC ByrathiCMR NPUC ITPLYear of GraduationWhat was your Academic StreamChoose your streamScienceCommerceHumanitiesCurrent City of ResidenceWhat are you currently doing?Choose your streamStudyingWorkingWhich college/university are you currently enrolled in?Which college/university did you attend after graduation?What degree or program are you pursuing?What was your highest qualification?What organization are you working for?What is your current job title or role? and What the How would you like to engage with the CMR Ekya Alumni network?Attend alumni reunions and eventsShare career insights as a mentor or speakerParticipate in webinars or workshopsHelp build a strong alumni community through social mediaShare professional opportunities for studentsVolunteer for Service Learning ProgramsChoose the platforms where you’d like to receive alumni updates and announcements.InstagramFacebookLinkedInWhatsAppEmailI confirm that the information provided is accurate and consent to its use for alumni communications, events, and opportunities.I AgreeSubmit