Student Life
Ekya Culture
At the heart of our school’s ethos lies our commitment to “Care About Culture.” Building a positive, safe, and inclusive community is essential for facilitating effective learning and personal growth. To embody this ethos, we have implemented several practices to nurture a strong sense of belonging and well-being among students and staff.
Our school day commences with a morning assembly, where students and staff come together to foster a sense of connection and community. This gathering provides an opportunity to share gratitude and set positive intentions for the day ahead. By acknowledging things we are thankful for and setting mindful intentions, we create a conducive atmosphere for growth and learning.
Each day begins with warm morning greetings, encouraging students and staff to greet one another. Greeting students at the door with a smile, eye contact and handshake into the class sets a positive tone for the day. This practice builds relationships and a supportive environment.
We incorporate affirmations into our daily routines to embrace unique abilities and build a sense of self-worth. This practice acknowledges and appreciates each other’s strengths and positive qualities.
Class Social Contracts help build an effective classroom culture. Students along with their teachers, create this at the beginning of every academic session, wherein students agree upon the desired behaviour and a set of consequences for behaviour violation. It reinforces the idea that every student is capable of achieving great things and encourages them to strive for excellence in their academic pursuits and personal development.
We promote grounding practices that help students stay focused and calm. It empowers our learners to manage their emotions. By providing tools for emotional regulation, we create a conducive learning environment that supports the overall well-being of our school community.
As part of our commitment to nurturing students’ emotional well-being, we have introduced the FIND Journal – a dedicated journaling book designed to help students discover and understand themselves through mindful reflection. Students engage in mindful journaling, promoting self-awareness and emotional exploration. Through this practice, students can gain deeper insights into their thoughts, feelings, and experiences, leading to a greater understanding of themselves and their emotions.

School Clubs
Student Clubs help students gain knowledge, skills and experience in their areas of interest and passion.

Environment Club
The club builds environmental leaders who spread awareness of the environment at the class, school and community levels. Students can get experience in gardening, floral design and form an eco-friendly community that works towards the betterment of society. They are able to organise environmental drives and educate people on the concept of reuse, reduce and recycle.

Quiz Club
Quizzes are organised to put students on the spot and develop their quick-thinking skills. A promise of a fun and challenging time awaits as students work against the clock to get the correct answer.

Literary Club
The students who enrol in this club form the school’s editorial board. They are able to enhance their spoken and written vocabulary through seamless creativity. The club is designed to hone their self-expression by fostering a love for language and literature.

Dance Club
This club allows students to flow freely as they embrace different dance forms. Various inter and intra-school competitions are organised for the students to set the stage ablaze.

Coding Club
By developing problem-solving skills, the Coding Club gives students the first glimpse into coding languages such as Java and Python. It teaches them how to code and create websites as well as applications.

Music Club
The school choir is selected from members of the music club. Students are able to exercise in different vocal styles and perform on musical instruments. The students learn to perform as they reach the crescendo of their musical limits.

Sports Club
The Sports Club connects students beyond the playing field. A well-knit community of sporting talent is formed as the team players express what drew them to the sport. Sportsmanship and a healthy competitive spirit are nurtured. They showcase their talent in inter- and intra-school competitions.

Science Club
A space to experiment with scientific ideas. An avenue to engage in hands-on experimentation. Invent and innovate as you mix chemicals, learn more about the laws of physics and explore the fauna and flora of various landscapes.

Robotics Club
The Robotics Club incorporates LEGO robotics kits with STEM robotics. The students can pursue mechanical engineering, software development, electronics concepts and robotics principles in the future.

Vogue: Fashion Design Club
A student’s first foray into the fashion world, the Fashion Design Club encourages students to be the trendsetters in the fashion industry. The students are able to develop a dressing sense where they get to know which clothing suits which occasion, what colours go well together and how they can make a fashion statement.

Stand-up Comedy Club
Tickling the funny bones, stand-up comedy gives students the ability to develop a healthy sense of humour. They are able to go beyond the stage and form a connection with their audience by bringing a smile to their faces. The students are able to develop a dramatic sense, a sensitivity to feelings, a control over their emotions and superb comedic timing to deliver their punchlines.

Cookery Club
Catering to the foodie within, this club teaches students to make tasty, delicious, nutritious foods. Students can learn presentation skills as they cook up new ideas to make their signature dishes. The students can bring their skills out of the frying pan and onto the plate for the world to see.

Design Challenge Club
This club originated with a desire to provide a design mindset to the students. By joining this club, the students develop awareness and nurture their cultures of innovation.

Reader’s Club
Reading groups are organised to help the students develop their speaking skills. Through storytelling, the students are able to connect and develop empathy. Exchanging their favourite books, students gain an immense love for literature and the arts.

Theater Club
All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.’ Script writing, dialogue delivery, acting and theatre appreciation of various genres can be learned in this club. The students can also learn more about the history of theatre.

Ted-ED Club
The club allows students to discover, research and explore big ideas in the form of short-style TED talks. They can analyse any TED talk, Ted-Ed lesson or educational video and create a plan of customised questions and discussions from the stage.

MUN Club
The Model United Nations Club helps students to develop international etiquettes that are required to get appointed overseas. They are able to get a glimpse of how the UN works and gather an awareness of the issues faced by nations today.

Student Bands
Awaken the rockstar within as you set the world ablaze! Ekya helps students form their own student bands. The Battle of the Bands, organized last year, saw students fighting for supremacy as they put their rhythms on display for all to see.

ICT Club (Information and Communication Technology)
Students are able to appreciate the role of communication and technology. They are able to build networks, nurture their creative and programming skills, sharpen their research and presentation skills and come up with technological solutions to the problems that arise in a school environment through design capabilities.

Summer & Winter Camp
The holiday camps enable students to continue the process of learning and fitness even during breaks/ holidays. Camps are an interesting blend of learning and physical fitness programs. These camps help build a special type of community, where kids come together to learn and have fun during their breaks and holidays. Students explore crash courses in a variety of activities and skills relevant to today’s world to understand their interests more deeply and find their unique voice.
Student Leaders Council
Student leaders are a critical part of our ecosystem. They represent the voice of the student body and serve as role models to their peers and juniors. Every year, the student council is elected at the beginning of the year to be the forerunners for all events conducted on campus. The students get a first hand experience of the election process, the power of each vote and the impact of good leaders. Young leaders are elected on campus through a thorough election process practicing democracy, followed by an investiture ceremony to administer the oath of office to the office bearers (student leaders). The Student Council members are given opportunities to hone their skills through leadership bootcamps and mentorship opportunities.

School Houses
Students are allocated a specific house as they enter Grade 1. Intra-school events are organized, keeping in mind a healthy competitive spirit, to encourage students to strive and achieve more by bringing glory to their House. Each House is based on one of the four elements, with its own motto and characteristic flavour. The House serves as a community where the students are brought together and interact with one another to form inseparable bonds for life. The House Captains and Prefects of each House serve as role models for the younger, up-and-coming generation.

Agni House (Fire)
Change Maker
Motto: I Look Ahead
Characteristics: Vigor, zeal, creativity, enthusiasm, daring, spirituality, energy, initiative.

Vayu House (Air)
Motto: Learning for Life
Characteristics: Kind-heartedness, independent, diligence, optimism, to do with thoughts and images.

Jal House (Water)
Motto: Leading with the Heart
Characteristics: Understanding, devotion, compassion, modesty, internalization, emotions, sensitivity.

Bhoomi House (Earth)
Motto: To Inspire and Achieve
Characteristics: Consistency, firmness, perseverance, responsibility, respectfulness.

Sports And Teams
Ekya views sports as a necessary part of any student’s life. Sports helps the students excel in classrooms as they incorporate the strategies used in games to academics. Our students view sports beyond the playfulness aspects, and look at it as a genuine career path.
Sports are an integral part of student life, and it not only enhances physical fitness but also help build critical skills such as team building, confidence and sportsmanship. The Physical Education Progam offerings include dedicated PE Sessions, Community Connect sessions, After School Activities, School Teams, Sports Clubs, Competitions, Track and Field and Sports events.
Build school teams (eg: band, choir) to represent us as a brand across competitions and carry forward the legacy, inspiring more students to be part of school team. Students discover the value of teamwork, integrity and working towards a goal and find their unique voice
Wrap Around

After-school activities including high-quality, certified sports, arts and skill-based activities that students can pursue before and after their academic school hours. These activities support social, emotional, cognitive, and educational development, promote physical health, and provide children and youth with a safe and supportive environment.
Students are offered excellent opportunities to advance their understanding and specialise in their areas of interest through diverse activities. They also provide opportunities for students to learn new skills, explore different areas of talent, and deepen existing expertise. Some activities offered include Basketball coaching, Dance, Music, Karate, Public speaking, Robotics, coding and debate.

Love To Read Program
The Love to Read Program aims at inculcating a love of books. Through the Reading Week, book swaps, in-class libraries, our digital library and book exhibitions, our students enhance their vocabulary, thinking and comprehension skills.
Campus Events
Throughout the year, the students enjoy a diverse and engaging experience which includes inter-school competitions, Annual day, sports events, Model United Nation, and a unique Marquee event specific to each campus. Every event allows students to discover a world beyond borders and discover their potential.
An annual parent facing flagship event conducted by each campus where all student get an opportunity to perform and showcase their learnings. Students plan and execute an annual event that showcase their learnings through a variety of activities – go beyond their comfort zone and find their unique voice