College & Career Counselling
College & Career Counselling
We guide students in Grades 9 through 12 through a step-by-step journey using the Ekya Career Builder Program.

Industry expert talks, career-specific guidance, and Q&A sessions.

Personalized guidance for career planning.

Assistance with applications, entrance exams, and admissions.

Psychometric Assessments
Tests to evaluate aptitudes, interests, and personality.

Workshops & Seminars
Topics like portfolio building, subject selection, and career readiness.
College and Career Guidance Experiences
These workshops aim to provide students with valuable insights and guidance as they navigate the path toward their future careers. Designed to foster self-discovery and informed decision-making, the workshops cover various aspects of career exploration and development. Some of the workshops include Understanding Academic Streams and Associated Careers, Exploring Study Abroad, Profile Building and Resume Writing
As a culmination of these experiences, we organise a Career Camp every year to engage the school community in career readiness events and learning opportunities. The event includes panel discussions with esteemed panellists, expert talks, Alumni interactions and University sessions.
Our individualized career counselling sessions led by experienced counselors, cater to each student’s unique needs. Focused on self-discovery, goal setting, educational pathways, and practical support, we empower students for informed academic and professional decisions.
The Summer Immersion Programme in collaboration with CMR University offers an opportunity for students of classes 9-12 to discover their passion and understand university education. This two-week initiative offers hands-on experiences, project-based learning, and exposure to university life. Led by expert faculty, students delve into courses like “Zoom in Zoom Out” (Architecture), “Junio Paralegal” (Law), and “Young Entrepreneur” (Management), culminating in a showcase of final projects.
The Accelerated Credit Course Program (ACCP) for Gr 11-12 students across streams is an online program that delves into contemporary topics in engineering, technology, design, architecture, business, law, IT, arts, and humanities. This optional program allows students to enhance their academic profile and accrue credits applicable to future CMRU graduate courses.
Our Expert Talks feature accomplished professionals and thought leaders from various domains who share their insights, experiences, and expertise. These engaging sessions provide valuable knowledge, inspire critical thinking, and offer students unique perspectives, fostering a culture of continuous learning and personal growth.
Students from Ekya are placed in esteemed institutions such as BITS Pilani, IIT, Purdue University, and the University of California.
Students engage in meaningful interactions with these accomplished alumni speakers to gain insights into the transition from school to university. These sessions offer valuable perspectives, guidance, and firsthand experiences, helping students navigate their academic and personal journeys successfully.
This event offers students the opportunity to interact directly with representatives from various universities. Through these sessions, students can explore academic programs, campus life, and admission processes, aiding them in making informed decisions about their higher education journey. This includes sessions by Universities from India and abroad such as Ashoka University, OP Jindal University, Srishti School of Design, Massey University, New Zealand, and the University of Michigan.
The job shadowing program provides students with hands-on exposure to the professional world. Students spend time observing and engaging with professionals in their chosen field, gaining valuable insights into day-to-day responsibilities, workplace dynamics, and industry-specific skills. This immersive experience aims to help students make informed decisions about their career paths and develop a deeper understanding of their areas of interest.
Our comprehensive repository serves as a centralized hub for a wealth of college and career-related resources. From academic guidance to professional development tools, students can access information, articles, and tools to support informed decisions and successful pathways into higher education and careers.
Grade 9- Discover
- Build on self-awareness as students recognise their academic inclinations and strengths.
- Explore and develop talents and interests outside the classroom.
- Start building a portfolio of activities and achievements.
Grade 10- Refine
- Reflect on experience to further refine choices and goals.
- Carefully contemplate stream selection.
- Develop expertise in abilities and talents. Update portfolio.
Grade 11- Converge
- Crystalise post-high school plans.
- Investigate course and college options, and build a potential list.
- Enhance co-curricular participation.
- Build a resume and complete a targeted internship.
- Attend university sessions.
Grade 12- Focus
- Create a sound plan to balance academics, co-curricular activities and college applications.
- Finalise list of courses/ colleges.
- Plan a calendar with important dates and deadlines.
- Take the relevant tests. Apply to universities.
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Important Dates