Campus Virtual Tour

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Light and ventilation are the key elements of the campus.

The Ekya School JP Nagar campus is a compact building located in the heart of JP Nagar on a half-area property. Conceived by the nationally acclaimed architect – Mr. Sanjay Mohe and his team at Mindspace Architects, this campus is built keeping in mind that light and ventilation are the key elements of the campus. Other features of the campus include:

  • 600 seater amphitheatre that hosts our special annual days and sports events
  • National level basketball court
  • Throwball court
  • Volleyball court
  • Indoor sports room with table tennis, chess and carom
  • Separate entrance for preprimary section
  • Sandpit area
  • Preprimary play area
  • Gardening area
  • Six well-lit, spacious Montessori environments equipped with appropriately sized toilets for boys and girls.
  • Every environment contains designated areas for reading, math, puppetry, and role play.
  • Preprimary mezzanine floors are designed for storytelling, reading, and visual art.
  • Digital school library with over 5000 titles
  • Social studies lab with maps and materials
  • Mathematics lab equipped with math manipulatives
  • 90-seater AV room
  • Well-ventilated classrooms with large windows. Every classroom contains an in-class library and comfortable and flexible seating
  • Teachers’ Resource Centre
  • Parent-Teacher meeting rooms
  • ICT labs with computers with internet connection
  • Three well-equipped science labs for Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. The labs adhere to all safety precautions and contain an eyewash area, fume chamber, and student goggles.
  • The campus has a public address system
  • Large visual art room with double sliding doors to convert it into a gallery space
  • 24-hour CCTV monitoring facility
  • School infirmary with first aid kit and resting area
  • Student artwork is displayed in the corridors
  • Every classroom has large pin-up boards that showcase current and visible learning. Word walls, Math walls, sight words, calendar, social contract, and birthday boards are common features.
  • Staff rooms
  • Well maintained and separate staff, boys and girls toilets on every floor.
  • School infirmary with first aid kit, nurse, and resting area.

Saftey & Security

  • As a school, we believe that protecting the interests of our children is non-negotiable. We take every possible measure to ensure that our students have access to a learning environment that is safe, secure, and enjoyable. Here are some of the security measures that are in place at our campus:
  • Each campus was designed and constructed with the conscious thought of safety in mind. In addition to vantage points, staff rooms are strategically situated so that teachers may keep an eye on the corridors and student activity at all times.
  • Each of the campuses is brightly lit. Our schools were built to heavily rely on natural wind and sunlight during school hours. We do not have rooms that are secluded or dark. Every room has a glass panel that assures visibility of any activity taking place.
  • Each of our campuses has resident security. Once the school begins, gates are closed and entry and exit are completely restricted. A security guard is stationed at the school gate to register and monitor individuals who enter the campus. Our teachers have the right to question any unfamiliar face on campus by politely approaching them. In this regard, we request our parents to kindly avoid pressuring the school to allow them to visit their child’s class to drop off something.
  • All campus civil maintenance-related works are carried out post-school hours thereby prohibiting any service provider into our premises. However, if there is anything that requires urgent attention, there is a female campus in charge at each of our schools, who escorts all servicemen.
  • Our parents are not allowed inside the campus during school hours unless there is an event or activity they have been invited to. Our campuses have been provided with tight CCTV surveillance that covers corridors and meeting points of every floor.
  • A child protection committee has been constituted to help work towards a safer school environment. Faculty members have also been sensitized about this issue.
  • To allow a teacher exercise control over the number of students visiting the washroom during her class, we have restricted the access to two students at a time. With the increase in school strength, we will follow a system of hall passes. The female support staff is positioned at the pre-primary and primary restrooms.
  • There are separate male and female washrooms for students and teaching staff. Drivers, security access an external washroom that is not within the campus.
  • The school offers co-curricular activities from reputed and verified individuals or companies. We have our teaching staff oversee their classes too. This gives the school authorities an idea of their effectiveness and ensures that they are within the school’s expectations.
  • RFID cards have been issued to all children in the pre-primary and Grade I to help both the school and the parents to ensure safety of the students. Loss of this card must be reported immediately.
  • Our older children have been instructed to keep an eye out for any irregular activity and to report in the event of trouble or difficulty. A student committee is in place to help younger children in need of any sort of assistance. 
  • We trust our students to help us build a safe and conducive environment for the Ekya family. Our school leadership conducts frequent classroom observations of all teachers, including the PE department. An evaluation of pedagogy, rapport, and content is done to help understand the teachers better.
  • To be prepared in the event of an emergency, students are made aware of the fire evacuation procedures. Members of our staff are trained in First-Aid. In addition to the in-house School Nurse, there is a doctor on call to address any medical emergencies.
  • Our children are regularly educated about good touch and bad touch. We also discuss safety norms at school which include digital citizenship, ethics, and internet safety. We request the parents also to speak to their children about the same at home. At Ekya, we have also ensured the safety and security of our students are met not just within the school campus but also while using the school transportation. Here are the safety measures that we have:
  • GPS tracking systems are installed on all our school buses which let us monitor their locations. Each bus has a lady attendant who accompanies the students during pickup and drop-off. A few of our teachers join them in the morning. Our drivers and attendants have been given strict instructions, in terms of their behaviour on the bus. They are always seated in the front of the bus and not with the children.
  • Workshops are conducted for our security staff, drivers, and attendants at regular intervals to reiterate the importance of their duty and sensitize them regarding the safety of our students.
  • Parents are requested to lend their support in ensuring the safe travel of their wards and all children on the bus. Being on time at the pickup and drop-off points would help keep the children safe and will ensure the smooth functioning of the transport department. Parents are requested to avoid calling the driver when he is at the wheel.
  • With a dedicated transport in charge, headed by a centralised team, the drivers and attendants are continuously briefed and checked. Surprise checks are conducted on the buses at regular intervals to ensure that all safeguards are in place.
  • Children using our transportation services have been provided with Bus ID cards. You can view the route numbers and pickup/drop-off points here.(needs to be linked into transportation page)
  • As a school, we are dedicated to ensure a safe learning environment for our children. We believe that safety and security are a shared responsibility of society and parents play an important role. We kindly request our parents’ support to ensure that our children are guided and educated in this regard.

School Timings & Transportation

School Timings:

  • Montessori Beginners & Sub Juniors – 8:05 am to 12:30 pm (Flexible reporting time between 8:05 am – 9:15 am)
  • Kindergarten 1 & 2 – 8:05 am to 12:30 pm
  • Montessori Junior & Senior –  8:05 am to 3:00 pm
  • Grades 1 to 10 – 8:05 am to 3:00 pm

All Saturdays are holidays for students in pre-primary and primary school. Students from Grades 6 and above have holidays on the second and fourth Saturday.

Transportation Guidelines

  • The bus will stop at the allocated pick-up point only.
  • Door-to-door pick-up will not be entertained.
  • Students are allowed to use their allotted bus and bus stop. No change will be allowed without prior permission from the school authorities in writing.
  • Pre Primary and Primary children will only be handed over to the parent/guardian. In their absence at the point, the child will be brought back to school and parents are to pick them up from school directly.
  • Students must not move around the bus while the bus is in motion.
  • A student using the school bus is expected to be at the bus stop at least 5 minutes before the scheduled arrival of the bus.
  • Buses will not wait for latecomers.
  • Fees once paid will not be refunded.
  • Parents are to submit their requests for transportation to the office at the time of admission.
  • Transport facilities will be confirmed and announced before the start of the academic year – based on feasibility and viability determined by student numbers.
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